Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Enablers and Gaps: Gender Equality, Gender-Based Violence Response and Mitigation in Cash and Voucher Assistance at Response levels: analysis on three case studies

Integrating gender and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) was set as a priority action under the Grand Bargain Cash Workstream in 2018. Although projects with CVA are typically implemented by individual humanitarian actors or consortiums, there are opportunities to create meaningful strategies on gender in CVA on gender, Gender Based-Violence (GBV) prevention, mitigation, and response in humanitarian action especially at the response level. The Gender and Cash Sub-Workstream identified three case studies that illustrate how Cash Working Groups, GBV Sub-Clusters, gender focal points (e.g. Gender in Humanitarian Action Working groups at country and regional level) and humanitarian partnerships can enable meaningful and wider engagement on gender equality and GBV response in CVA.

Contributor: CaLP, CARE, CashCap, OXFAM, UN Women, UNFPA, UNICEF, Women's Refugee Commission
Region: Americas including Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, Middle East, Oceania
Sector Resources: Cash
Language: English
Year: 2021

Open Document

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