Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Good Shelter Programming: Tools to Reduce the Risk of GBV in Shelter Programmes

The purpose of this toolkit is to support shelter programme staff to reduce the risks of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) through better shelter and settlement programming and project implementation. This toolkit includes tools on assessment (Section A), Risk and Mitigation (Section B), and Responding to GBV incidents (Section C), to support better shelter programming. The toolkit supports the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action (&) and aims to contextualise the advice given in a practical way for Shelter, Settlement and Recovery practitioners.

The tools in this toolkit aim to help shelter practitioners to mainstream GBV risk mitigation into their shelter programming, ultimately reducing vulnerabilities to GBV, particularly for women and girls.

Contributor: Shelter Cluster
Region: Global
Sector Resources: Shelter (includes NFI)
Language: English

Open Document

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