Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Inter-agency PSEA Checklist: Indonesia

In 2005, IRC Kenya developed this self-auditing tool to prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in the Kenya Refuge Program as a pilot exercise using a variety of checklists developed elsewhere. In the initial stage each agency completed the self-auditing tool to identify where it stands in relation to preventing sexual exploitation and abuse, identify gaps and provide guidance on the next steps the agency may need to take to strengthen its ongoing work on prevention and response to SEA. The checklist exercise was repeated in 2006 as a tool to measure progress for individual agencies as well as preventing SEA in the Kenya Refugee Program.

The results of these checklist were centralised and used to identify specific measures that, overall, agencies working with refugees in Kenya need to focus on to strengthen the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. An Inter-Agency Protocols for the Prevention of Exploitation and Abuse in the Kenya Refugee Programme (March 2006) was adopted and 14 UN agencies, INGOs and NGOs became signatories. This protocol sets forth clear policy and procedures to deal with SEA and has significantly strengthened inter-agency collaboration.

Contributor: Inter-agency
Region: Asia
Cross-Cutting Topics: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA)
Sector Resources: All sectors
Language: English

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