Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Lighting the Way: Lighting, sanitation and the risk of gender-based violence in Aburi camp, Nigeria

Camps are supposed to be places of refuge and safety for people fleeing conflict and disaster, but they can be dangerous, especially for women and girls. In their first months, many camps have only communal sanitation facilities, as this is a quick and cost-effective way of meeting immediate needs and minimizing key public health risks until a better solution can be developed. However, sharing latrines and bathing areas with large numbers of people, especially strangers, can be frightening.

Contributor: CCCM Cluster, Loughborough University, WEDC
Region: Africa
Sector Resources: Camp Coordination & Camp Management, Shelter (includes NFI), WASH
Language: English
Year: 2018

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