Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Lighting, WASH and Gender-Based Violence in Camp Settings

Poor lighting at water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities may reduce the usage of latrines and other services such as bathing areas and water collection points; especially by women and children. Generally, poor lighting may contribute to fear of crime and specifically Gender-Based Violence (GBV), which may, in turn, further reduce the use of the WASH facilities. For example, in Haiti, teenage girls surveyed by the United Nations (UN) Stabilisation Mission stated that they were afraid to use latrines at night because of the lack of lighting (Emery et al., 2011). Improving lighting is intended to mitigate GBV, promote feelings of safety and increase usage of WASH facilities.

Contributor: Loughborough University, OXFAM, WEDC
Region: Africa, Americas including Caribbean, Asia, Global, Middle East, Oceania
Sector Resources: Camp Coordination & Camp Management, Shelter (includes NFI), WASH
Language: English
Year: 2018

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