Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Tipsheet: UNFPA Humanitarian Cash & Voucher Assistance: CVA and COVID-19 (Arabic)

Women and girls affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in crisis- and displacement-affected contexts may face increased risk of domestic violence/intimate partner violence and sexual exploitation and abuse, in addition to and resulting from loss of income and household stress.1 They may resort to risky coping strategies including transactional sex, or be pressured into forced or early marriage. Women and girls may face increased costs, travel or waiting time to access SRH care and services. They may be hindered from visiting their SRH care provider or GBV services due to: their additional responsibilities for care of dependents (infected relatives, older persons, children); mobility restrictions; additional costs of transport especially if public transport is suspended; other regulations such as curfews or mandatory masks.

Contributor: UNFPA
Region: Global
Sector Resources: Cash, GBV Specialized Programming
Language: Arabic
Year: 2021

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