Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Tipsheet: UNFPA Humanitarian Cash & Voucher Assistance Overview

CVA can support access to GBV and SRH services, and contribute to the safety, dignity and resilience of women and girls in humanitarian contexts. It can offer discretion and flexibility compared to in-kind assistance. A number of recent studies have shown the potential for CVA to strengthen protection outcomes for women and girls, such as renting safe CVA can support access to GBV and SRH services, and contribute to the safety, dignity and resilience of women and girls in humanitarian contexts. It can offer discretion and flexibility compared to in-kind assistance. A number of recent studies have shown the potential for CVA to strengthen protection outcomes for women and girls, such as renting safe

Contributor: UNFPA
Region: Global
Sector Resources: Cash, GBV Specialized Programming
Language: English
Year: 2021

Open Document

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