Visual GBV Pocket Guides

The Project

Over the past 2 years, CARE and partners in South Sudan, Mali and Honduras have been developing a visual version of the GBV Pocket Guide that is accessible for users with low- to no- literacy. Responding to demands that peaked during movement restrictions associated with the COVID-19 pandemic response, the project implementation process has included the design and validation of visual materials, including a visual mobile application, that will allow non-GBV specialized humanitarians with lower levels of literacy to safely respond to GBV disclosures.

The Methodology

This project focuses specifically on building the capacity of “non-traditional humanitarian actors,” laying out an iterative and participatory process for adapting written global guidance on safe and appropriate response to GBV disclosures to better suit community-based humanitarian actors with low levels of literacy or who are illiterate — including an emphasis on digital literacy and innovative digital learning approaches!

Over  the last three years, project teams across three countries, including partner women rights organizations and local project community advisory boards, undertook a collaborative process to inform the development and design of the new visual versions of the GBV Pocket Guide for each of the three implementation contexts. CARE’s project teams undertook mapping studies in South Sudan, Mali, and Honduras to understand the types of groups/actors that women and girls were disclosing GBV to in the context of COVID-19 and access restrictions. All project materials — including the characters, scenes and key messages as well as the training manuals — were validated by the project teams and local community advisory boards.  Upon finalization of the training materials, CARE staff and partners trained up a cadre of master trainers in each country to cascade trainings across their communities.

Ready-to-use resources

Visual GBV Pocket Guides

Visual GBV Pocket Guides below are context-specific adaptations developed for audiences with low literacy or who are illiterate. They include step-by-step guidance on responding to a GBV disclosures, building on the original version of the GBV Pocket Guide.

Training of Trainers Manuals

The Training of Trainers Manuals below were designed to train master trainers on the new Visual GBV Pocket Guide adaptations for each of the three contexts. The training methodology aims to equip master trainees with the knowledge and skills to train others on the Visual GBV Pocket Guide.

Cascade Training Manuals

The Cascade Training Manuals below were designed as a resource for master trainers to train others in their community on the new Visual GBV Pocket Guide adaptations.

Project teams and key external stakeholders will be convening in Nairobi in June 2023. Learnings from the project and the workshop will inform the development of a learning by design package designed to provide guidance to practitioners interested in adapting the GBV Pocket Guide to a visual version for their context. The package is expected to be finalized by the end of 2023. In the meantime, if you are interested in adapting the GBV Pocket Guide for your context, please reach out to the CARE HQ project team at

This site is always being updated, so please check back often for new additions, tools, and resources!

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