Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

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  • #3327
    Dina Hanania

    Introduce yourself!

    Tell us who you are: In a couple of sentences, tell us who you are and the sort of work that you do. What is your favorite thing about your work? What is your least favorite thing?

    Where are you based?

    How long have you been working in your current line of work? (meaning, in your main sector overall, not only your current employer)

    What sector do you work in?

    What is your primary function within your area of expertise? (coordination, program management, program implementation, technical support, other, etc.)



    Hi everyone, my name is Victoria and I am the GBV Programme Support Officer with IOM's global GBV team at HQ in Geneva. I am also a part of the GBV Guidelines Implementation Support Team organizing this stocktaking workshop.

    My role includes providing technical support to IOM's offices worldwide on how to address GBV in crisis settings and participating in inter-agency GBV mechanisms. Hearing about and learning from your experiences in the field is therefore extremely valuable for me and our collective efforts to ensure we respond to the realities on the ground. I look forward to connecting with you all here in this forum and in the live events starting tomorrow!

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