Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Home Forums Stocktaking Workshop: Identifying and Mitigating the Risks of GBV in the COVID-19 Response The GBV risk mitigation world: what brings you here?

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  • #3330
    Dina Hanania

    How is GBV risk mitigation relevant to your work? In light of COVID-19, what actions have you undertaken to mitigate GBV risks through your work? Please take some time to reflect on and share:

    • 1 major success related to promoting dignity, safety, health, and privacy [GBV risk mitigation] in your work generally
    • 1 major challenge/issue you have faced related to promoting dignity, safety, health, and privacy [GBV risk mitigation] in your work generally
    • How has this been impacted by the COVID-19 response?
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