Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action

Reducing risk, promoting resilience and aiding recovery

Cash & Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium Training Modules

The training modules follows the Compendium structure and contents with the aim of supporting participants in developing the knowledge, skills and confidence to integrate GBV risk mitigation into CVA interventions, integrate GBV prevention and mitigation into multi-sector programming using CVA when appropriate, and integrate CVA into GBV prevention and response when appropriate.

There are three modules, targeting different audiences:

  • Donors, coordinators and HCT country teams who need to be aware of the importance of GBV risk mitigation for projects that use CVA as a delivery modality;
  • Field practitioners (technical and CVA specialists who use CVA to deliver on sectoral and multi-sectoral outcomes);
  • GBV specialists who provide technical advice to field practitioners or directly implement GBV programming so they can identify opportunities to integrate CVA, where appropriate

Each module contains editable presentations, facilitator notes, and activities, which can all be adaptable for context.

Watch this video for an overview of the materials.

Cash & Voucher Assistance and GBV Compendium: Practical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners

To be used by trainers of any modules/sessions.

General Guide: All Modules

To be used by trainers of any modules/sessions.

Companion Guide to the IASC GBV Guidelines

Download a PDF in your respective language.

Facilitator Guides

Download a PDF in your respective language.


Download a PDF in your respective language.

Session Guides: Training for HCT, Cluster Coordinators, and Donors

A half day module comprised of four sessions targeted for Humanitarian Country/Coordination Teams, Donors, generalists focusing on basics of integration of GBV risk mitigation in programming with CVA and importance of advocacy and coordination at different levels.

Documents for each session are zipped into individual archives.

Session Guides: Training for Humanitarian Practitioners

A full day module comprised of six sessions targeted to Sectoral and Cash and Markets Specialists on integration of GBV risk mitigation in programming with CVA and importance of advocacy and coordination at different levels.

Documents for each session are zipped into individual archives.

Session Guides: Training for GBV Specialists

A full day module comprised of six sessions targeted to GBV Specialists on considering using CVA in GBV programming to deliver on GBV  protection outcomes.

Documents for each session are zipped into individual archives.

This site is always being updated, so please check back often for new additions, tools, and resources!

Copyright © 2025 • GBV Guidelines
