Inter-Agency GBV Guidelines Reference Group

Background and Context 

The inter-agency GBV Guidelines Reference Group (RG) was created at the time of the launch of the revised IASC Guidelines for Integrating Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action (“GBV Guidelines”) in 2015, to support and promote the sustained, systematic uptake of the GBV Guidelines by humanitarian stakeholders. The Reference Group serves as the key inter-agency advisory body on GBV risk mitigation, with member agencies contributing in a coordinated manner to various collective capacity-building initiatives, advocacy efforts and tool/resource development. The Reference Group further serves as an information-sharing platform among member agencies regarding efforts, challenges and opportunities related to GBV risk mitigation, promoting inter-agency and cross-sectoral learning and evidence generation.

The GBV Guidelines Reference Group is comprised of approximately 17 member agencies: Action Against Hunger, CARE, CDC, CWS, GBV AoR, IMC, IOM, Irish Consortium on GBV, IRC, Oxfam, Save the Children, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, WHO, and WRC. 

Inter-Agency Reference Group Strategic Plan 2021-2024 and ToR

The purpose of this strategy is to articulate the collective priorities of the inter-agency GBV
Guidelines Reference Group. The strategic priorities include:

  1. A robust foundation of learning and evidence is available to facilitate integration of GBV risk mitigation across all sectors and levels of humanitarian response.
  2. Understanding and knowledge related to GBV risk mitigation is strengthened via the development and dissemination of tools and/or additional resources.
  3. The right people with the right skills are available to support the effective and consistent integration of GBV risk mitigation actions across the humanitarian system.
  4. The importance and impact of GBV risk mitigation is systematically reflected in key humanitarian structures and decision-making processes.
  5. For information on how the Reference Group operationalizes these priorities please review the following Strategy.

The Reference Group Terms of Reference outlines the overall process for RG membership, engagement and general governance.

This site is always being updated, so please check back often for new additions, tools, and resources!

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